For reasons of security (both yours and ours) we DO NOT require that you create an account in order to shop with us. If you use the administrative interface (which is hidden) to try to create an account, YOU WILL BE LOCKED OUT — which is one of the reasons why the administrative interface is hidden! There is no need to create an account. Simply fill your shopping cart with items you wish to purchase, and check out. No account required!

Are you a head shop? / Are you a smoke shop?

No. We carry a lot of the same kinds of products as head shops and smoke shops, such as pipes, incense, buttons, jewelry and such like, however WE DO NOT CARRY SUCH ITEMS AS K2, Spice, “legal buds”, “bath salts”, “fake piss” and other items of a questionable legal nature, and we don’t know where to get them, so it would be really nice if you didn’t call and ask us… although, judging by the fact that we get two or three calls a week regarding these very things, anyway, we may be expecting a little too much. Despite the fact that, if you’re asking this question, you probably found us by Googling “head shops” or something similar, WE ARE NOT A HEAD SHOP. We ARE a spiritually oriented hippie shop. We’re sorry for any confusion. Blame Google.

What are you?

Hybrid Elephant is a diverse consulting and services company, in business since 1985, which provides a wide variety of solutions for customers seeking help in a wide variety of different areas. We provide consulting, behaviour modification and training services for people with pets and wildlife animals, consulting, technical support and repair services for people with computers, musical instrument repair services, all phases of desktop and electronic publication from design to implementation, consulting for electronic communications, incense sales, sculpture, art and buttons (the kind with slogans or logos, not the kind with which you fasten your clothes). We probably do a lot of other things, too. Ask us!

Why Hybrid Elephant?

The world’s second most widely worshipped deity is the elephant-faced, Hindu God Ganesha, The Deliverer of Blessings and The Remover of Obstacles. Ganesha is a “hybrid elephant” and we are your removers of obstacles… we’ll see what we can do about the blessings part of it, as well…

We named the business before we found out about Motty, the Hybrid Elephant.

Who are you?

Hybrid Elephant is Monique Feyrecilde and B. Salamandir-Feyrecilde (otherwise known as “salamandir”). Please don’t hesitate to contact us with more detailed questions.

How do we do that?

Use our contact form for electronic communication, send snailmail to

Hybrid Elephant
P.O. Box 21
Hobart, WA 98025

To contact us by telephone, call 425-351-8213.

Where are you?

Usually wherever you are, depending on what you need us to do. Hybrid Elephant makes occasional appearances at the Fremont Sunday Market. All our prices are stated in U.S. Dollars (USD) because that is where we are located on the planet. Ask us for more precise details.

When are you?

Now… yesterday… last week… tomorrow and into the future.